DIGITOURISM is an European collaborative project, under the scope of the Interreg Europe programme, and whose main objective is to improve innovation policies at regional level. Specifically, DIGITOURISM aims at facilitating the implementation of Digital Realities’ technologies (i.e. Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality), in the tourism industry in the participating regions.
Specifically, Innovalia will jointly work with all project partners in the analysis of regional policies, favoring the exchange and adaptation of the best initiatives in “tourism and new technologies”.
Such close interregional cooperation processes will make it possible to create the best conditions to encourage innovation, thanks to the definition and use of more effective Structural Funds and regional policies.
In this way, as the main result of the project, 16 best practices will be identified and 8 specific public policies will be implemented, one for each participating region.

This project is cofunded by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Europe Programme.