Big Data Value Spaces


Innovalia Association

The Innovalia Association is a private and independent technological centre whose primary objective is to foster technological innovation in small and medium companies.

Made up of a group of companies that bring together talent, skills and resources, the Innovalia Association is a reference for SMEs that require advanced and highly specialised technological skills with a transnational cooperation dimension.

What we offer

All our knowledge and experience ready for you

Innovalia knows exactly what SMEs need

The Innovalia Association coordinates the I4MS, ICT initiative for Manufacturing SMEs through the I4MS-Growth projects financed by the European Commission. I4MS approaches SMEs on R&D projects, making them aware of innovative technologies and providing support for integrating these technologies in their factories.

  Innovalia coordinates the Euskadi Innovation Hub of CPS centres in Europe

Within the BEInCPPS Innovation Action, Innovalia coordinates the Euskadi Innovation Hub to provide training and business innovation services for CPPS systems. BEInCPPS will integrate a services platform on three Machine-Factory-Cloud levels based on Internet of the Future technologies for cyber physical production systems.

Innovalia Association: your technological partner for advanced production processes

Innovalia coordinates the DIGIWARE initiative, whose primary objective is the creation of a marketplace for the provision of services and applications based on FIWARE and supported by open innovation methodologies for digitalising industrial processes within the Industry 4.0 strategy.

Innovalia transfers all of its knowledge in business innovation

Innovalia participates in FABulous, the European accelerator of 3D Printing companies, where it advises start-ups on preparing their business model, creating value and presenting their project to investors.

Innovalia implements the Internet of the Future in the industry

Innovalia forms part of the FITMAN and Fiware for Industry executive committee, leading communication and links with advanced regions, as well as designing and deploying industrial case studies.

Innovalia specialises in technological promotion

Transferring and promoting the knowledge generated in projects is one of Innovalia’s commitments to society; as such, Innovalia organises three international conferences with high scientific/technological content and of renowned interest to the industry.

Where we are

We are
all around the world


The Innovalia Association has a great international presence. We have offices and delegations in Europe, Asia, North Amercia and South America. Please find below our offices in Spain.


Zamudio Technology Park
Automotive Intelligence Center

Highlighted Projects

Take a look to our R&D projects

Connected Factories
Connected Factories
Productive 4.0
Productive 4.0
Boost 4.0
Boost 4.0


Current issues, success stories, events… Take a look to our day-to-day!


Rodríguez Arias, 6 Dpto. 605, 48008 Bilbao
+34 94 480 51 64 |