New job
Sensor system integration
Information management
Process simulation
Extrapolation of the information

The research activities that these objectives pursue contribute to the development of so-called Industry 4.0 technologies and entail a high level of specialisation and support on solutions for Innovalia.
Advance manufacturing processes
Intellgent and adaptative manufacturing equipment
Person-machine collaboration
Digital, virtual and efficient companies

Our solutions
Digital entrepreneurship
Sensing Enterprise
Bussiness intelligence

Big data management, processing and viewing
Optimisation of 3D information consumption on dedicated computers (HPC).
Wireless communication and service platforms
Specific technologies

When the functionalities and characteristics of the resulting system depend the physical part interacting with the computer parts, where the data is received and processed, when the computers, networks, devices and the environment in which the system is integrated interact, they consume resources and contribute to the overall behaviour of the system, this is known as a cyber/physical system.
Strategic Areas
In order to achieve competitiveness in embedded systems and in their application domains, continuous improvement is required on features, reducing production times and costs, combining aspects with quality, security and optimal reliability. On the other hand, in many cases, for example in the transport sector (automotive, trains, metros), a very important aspect is the long life cycle of the integrated systems that require long-term maintenance and updating.
Interoperability and standards
Development methods and tools
Validation & Verification

The Innovalia Association´s main areas of interest and challenges in this area include:
- Metrics and tools for analysing quantitative and predictive security in open, complex, multi-domain and large-scale environments.
- Virtualisation to guarantee the protection, security and integrity of critical, complex and high-demand services.
- Development of architectures, protocols and Big Data models for guaranteeing and evaluating trust.
- Dynamic security policies and multi-domain access management and control, monitoring security and control for systems focused on data and cloud environments.