MIDIH “Manufacturing Industry Digital Innovation Hubs”, is a “one stop shop” of services, providing industry with access to the most advanced digital solutions, the most advanced industrial experiments, pools of human and industrial competencies and access to “ICT for Manufacturing” market and financial opportunities.
MIDIHs will leverage networks of local Competence Centres, each specialised in peculiar aspects of the CPPS/IIOT (Cyber Physical Production System / Industrial Internet of Things) technologies and able to attract, mentor and nurture local Manufacturing SMEs towards Industry 4.0 projects, experiments and business. A common platform of knowledge, methods and collaboration tools will be shared among the MIDIHs network and allow cross-border fertilisation, continuous improvement, open innovation.
Innovalia is responsible for the definition and development of a well-founded methodology for a uniform conduction of the Lighthouse Experiments and for the harmonisation of the cross-border ones derived from the Open Calls.