The primary objective of the SIGMONA project is the application of the latest network architectures and technologies and computing in the broadband LTE/EPC (3GPP) mobile network.
The project focuses on the evaluation, specification and validation of a Software Defined Networking (SDN) concept, the virtualisation of networks and cloud computing in LTE mobile networks. The project will provide knowledge about the viability and opportunities of such network concepts, in addition to evaluating limits on performance and scalability of new technologies applied in broadband mobile networks.
Innovalia contributes its experience to the management, generation and transfer of knowledge, and helps to market and promote the project to the international community. Innovalia participates, among other things, on wireless network and infrastructure improvement tasks, as well as on the creation of algorithms for defining a secure network architecture.
SDN Concept in Generalized Mobile Network Architectures
Start / End : 06/2013 – 01/2016
TSI-100102-2013-85 project funded by the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism, within the Strategic Action Economy and Digital Society of the State Plan of Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation 2013-2016.